
Progress Update

We are still here! Sorry for the massive delay in updates but we have been mega busy with different things including doing quite a bit of work on the van and a little break which we will break down into separate posts.
Our Instagram is being kept semi up to date so keep checking that out.

In this post we will update about our first big decision/dilemma on what to do with the bulkhead and how we tackled soundproofing the van.


We did a bit of research online about soundproofing options and what was and wasn’t worth doing for our purposes. Soundproofing is a bit of a rabbit hole subject with plenty of conflicting opinions and snake oil to suit all budgets.
For our use we chose to keep it quite simple, getting some butyl backed sound deadening sheets to cover a fair section of each panel to reduce the native vibration. The ones we chose were from Clarity Acoustics on eBay which were very reasonably priced and work an absolute treat, much more so than I actually imagined they would.  

In terms of fitting the sound deadening sheets, it couldn’t have been easier (even Becky did some!) literally cut to size peel and stick. I did use a roller to make sure everything was well stuck but to be fair the adhesive backing was fantastic.
We stuck the sheets where we could within reason making sure everywhere had some to help with the vibration including inside the doors, walls, ceiling, floor and wheel arches. Two packs were used with a few sheets left over which will be used in the cab at some point.

After installing the sound deadening sheets the impact is very noticeable, the panels have extra rigidity, vibration is reduced and even the doors have a solid thud when shutting. We expect that once the insulation is done the soundproofing will be more than good enough for us, and who knows, maybe it will keep the doggo’s barking inside :P.

To bulkhead or not to bulkhead?...That was the question.

Deciding on whether we wanted to keep the bulkhead or remove it has probably been the most discussed issue so far with the van project. On one hand the bulkhead is a solid base to attach stuff and helps keep the space separate and insulated. On the other hand, getting rid of the bulkhead would really open up the small area and give some extra light.

Ultimately we made the decision to remove the bulkhead to open the area up, remove some weight and increase the air circulation/natural light, with the caveat that we will get some nice insulated curtains to close on a night etc.

Bulkhead Removal

Removing the bulkhead was pretty straight forward, just requiring some torx bolts to be removed and the whole bulkhead wrestled out. I think removing the bulkhead was definitely the right decision, the van feels much more open and comfortable/less like a builders van.

To be Continued!

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